Our ever-growing fleet is about to have 16 new additions.
We’re happy to announce that we have ordered 16 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans to cope with the demands of our customers requiring pharmaceutical transportation.
Our new £500,000 deal with GRP Leeds and Solomons will involve converting all 16 medium 314 Sprinter vans into high pharmaceutical specification vehicles, fully equipped with refrigeration from GAH flexi-temp units and Transcan temperature readers. Discover these vehicles in our fleet
Cool Running Rental’s managing director Richard Cotton says of the deal:
“The vans will have full Mercedes-Benz repair and maintenance contract coverage, to alleviate any servicing and warranty problems whilst on hire nationally, and will also have a full Platinum service contract with GAH for 24/7 coverage in the event of breakdown.
“We have expanded considerably in the last few years, and have made giant strides within the pharmaceutical sector. These vehicles have been sourced to initially service the demands of the flu vaccine spike in early September, and will then revert back to our base rental fleet,.”